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Elementary technology icon (cut off)A white elementary technology icon that's been cut off

Whether you're a teacher getting used to new hardware in the classroom, or an IT Manager responsible for rolling out device management and software - this quick guide will give you the head start you need to be a pro in no time.

SMART's MX interactive touchscreen is a powerhouse in the classroom. Built for encouraging engagement with pupils, we want to help you understand how to best use your interactive touchscreen.

If, after reading the resource provided below, you still want to know more about the SMART MX board, you can find our video series here, or sign up for our academy where new content is always being made for better understanding the boards best use in the classroom. You can also ask us for a demonstration in person or online and we would be happy to answer every question you have. Contact us here.

A white elementary technology icon that's been cut off

Get Started Guide SMART MX

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